Sunday, October 2, 2011

No License? Don’t Speak English? No Problem!

No License? Don’t Speak English? No Problem!

According to
The Arizona/Massachusetts driving tests cause confusion and safety concerns.
Written Drivers TestMassachusetts recently identified hundreds of refugees who obtained Massachusetts driver’s licenses by converting from Arizona licenses. By taking advantage of Arizona’s lax language and testing requirements, non-English speakers were able to take driving tests with translators, or bypass state testing altogether by training and testing with private driving schools (circumventing the Department of Motor Vehicles). While Massachusetts offers the written exam in 26 languages, it does not allow the written tests to be taken with a translator as Arizona does.
It should be startling to English-speaking drivers to learn they are sharing the road with licensed drivers who cannot pass English language driving tests – and can even travel out of state to avoid them. Common sense would dictate that an understanding of English should be required to drive in the U.S. Shouldn’t licensed drivers be able to read road signs?
Inconsistent testing and residency requirements between states threaten public safety. Arizona, recently a trailblazer on state immigration enforcement, continues to allow non-state residents to obtain Arizona driver’s licenses. While the state requires proof of legal U.S. residency, loopholes allow non-Arizona residents to avoid their own state’s licensing requirements and open-up the system to potential fraud.
Meanwhile, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano postponed the deadline for full compliance with the REAL ID Act of 2005, which establishes uniform national standards for driver’s license issuance, to January 2013. REAL ID was passed in response to recommendations from the 9/11 Commission and requires states to revise licensing laws in order to make it virtually impossible for illegal aliens to obtain valid driver’s licenses or other government-issued identification.
New Mexico and Washington continue to protect illegal aliens at the cost of national security by allowing illegal aliens to acquire driver’s license and state IDs.
  • According to the Arizona MVD, 60% of applicants fail their drivers test! That’s why they’re now posting free test exams online.
  • Applicants for Arizona driver’s licenses fail the multiple-choice written test so often that the Motor Vehicle Division has decided to give them some help.
  • Free practice tests using real questions are now posted online. The theory is that if people see how badly they would do, they might be more inclined to read the “Arizona Driver License Manual” and learn about the rules of the road.
  • Now, only about four in 10 motor-vehicle applicants pass the written test.
Source: Jeffrey Mason, 94.5 KOOL FM

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