Tuesday, October 11, 2011



COMEDIAN Terry Jones has admitted that he and his Monty Python colleagues would be “frightened” and “think twice” before poking fun at Muslims in today’s politically correct climate.
The Life Of Brian star says he never believed the 1979 comedy about Jesus would be as controversial as it was at the time. He certainly never expected people still to be discussing it now.
Jones, 69, says he and his fellow comics were able to make the film only because, at the time, religion “seemed to be on the back burner”.

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He said: “I never thought it would be as controversial as it turned out, although I remember saying when we were writing it that some religious nutcase may take pot shots at us, and everyone replied, ‘No’.
“I took the view it wasn’t blasphemous,” he tells Radio Times. “At the time religion seemed to be on the back burner and it felt like kicking a dead donkey.” But he says: “It’s come back with a vengeance and we’d think twice about making it now.”
Asked if he would make a satirical film about Muslims now, he replied, “Probably not – looking at Salman Rushdie. I suppose people would be frightened.
“I think it’s whipped up by the arms industry. I read an in-house magazine called Weapons Today before the Gulf War and the editorial was headlined, ‘Thank God for Saddam’ and went on to say that since perestroika we have an enemy no one can complain about.
“So in future we look for Islam to replace communism.
“I thought they were joking – the Crusades were 1,000 years ago – but of course that’s what’s happening now.” The star, who has a two-year-old daughter by his 28-year-old Swedish girlfriend, is “amazed” The Life Of Brian still provokes rage. “We’re still discussing  it, and I don’t know why,” he says.

COMMENTS -Fear is another word for intimidation and I am disgusted as a White man that We have let it come to this.

We as a society have become too scared to even dare make unflattering observations of the Jew. Why? Because We are intimidated that they may (will) act collectively against Us. We have become too scared to even say a word about what groups of out of control Blacks are doing in our schools and neighborhoods. Hell, we are even afraid to make mention that these criminals ARE Black. And we have agreed (been intimidated) not to use the "N word" to describe them when they use the very same word to describe themselves. Why? Because gangs of N!&&ers will act collectively against us. And now this?! Islamic extremist are going to intimidate us into abandoning the principles of FREE SPEECH. WHY? For fear that we might offend them and they too will act collectively against us!( I am gritting my teeth as I hammer on this keyboard!)

We have gotten what we deserve! If We are unwilling to stand up as a group and tell them, if they dont like White people and White culture and White freedoms then perhaps they should hike their asses back to Israel or Africa or Pakistan or where ever the hell came from - if We have become too chicken sh!t to defend ourselves, then we should just get used to bending over and taking it! Is that what We want for Our children?

They view Us as weak. They know We, atleast of to date, wont collectively tell them that We dont give a damn if they are offended!

I can only pray I live long enough to see White men who are worthy of their anchestory, stand shoulder to shoulder and let those mongrels worry about us for a change! Quit tolerating weakness amongst Our own. It is literally killing Our race. We must protect Ourselves with with ferocity each and every time we see this. It is our duty!

Wake up White men, they have already declared war on us. We must act collectively because they sure as hell are.

Are We Cowards or Are We Men?

On every thing that I love-14 Words!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fear is another word for intimidation and I am disgusted as a White man that We have let it come to this.

We as a society have become too scared to even dare make unflattering observations of the Jew. Why? Because We are intimidated that they may (will) act collectively against Us. We have become too scared to even say a word about what groups of out of control Blacks are doing in our schools and neighborhoods. Hell, we are even afraid to make mention that these criminals ARE Black. And we have agreed (been intimidated) not to use the "N word" to describe them when they use the very same word to describe themselves. Why? Because gangs of N!&&ers will act collectively against us. And now this?! Islamic extremist are going to intimidate us into abandoning the principles of FREE SPEECH. WHY? For fear that we might offend them and they too will act collectively against us!( I am gritting my teeth as I hammer on this keyboard!)

We have gotten what we deserve! If We are unwilling to stand up as a group and tell them, if they dont like White people and White culture and White freedoms then perhaps they should hike their asses back to Israel or Africa or Pakistan or where ever the hell came from - if We have become too chicken sh!t to defend ourselves, then we should just get used to bending over and taking it! Is that what We want for Our children?

They view Us as weak. They know We, atleast of to date, wont collectively tell them that We dont give a damn if they are offended!

I can only pray I live long enought to see White men who are worthy of their anchestory, stand shoulder to shoulder and let those mongrels worry about us for a change! Quit tolerating weakness amongst Our own. It is literally killing Our race. We must protect Ourselves with with ferocity each and every time we see this. It is our duty!

Wake up White men, they have already declared war on us. We must act collectively because they sure as hell are.

Are We Cowards or Are We Men?

On every thing that I love-14 Words!
