Tuesday, October 23, 2012

This has been an arranged life and marriage from almost the beginning from what I can figure for Barack Obama"


Michelle Obama planned on divorcing her husband and even prepared divorce papers, Saying, "Obama has  a homosexual history",  while Obama was in the Illinois State Legislature according to best selling author and Investigative Journalist Dr. Jerome Corsi.

"I have another article prepared that we ought to publish pretty soon" Corsi said Monday. "People don't realize it but Michelle was preparing, and I actually found divorce papers, to divorce Obama at one point in their marriage".    
                                                                                                              He goes on to say,.......
 "When he was in the State Legislature before he became a U.S. Senator, Obama was smoking all the time, gone, having homosexual relationships, no money...Michelle was tired of it."

Here is the entire radio interview

During the radio interview with the Senior Staff Writer at World Net Daily, Corsi discusses Obama's Senior White House adviser and Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Relations and Public Liaison, Valerie Jarrett, and ties together Jesse Jackson, and Reverend Wright as three people that would help groom Obama for the Presidency and say that the eventual marriage between Barack Obama and Michelle Robinson was not a happenstance romance. "This has been an arranged life and marriage from almost the beginning from what I can figure for Barack Obama" Corsi stated on Ears to Hear Radio.

Also noted in the interview that Valerie Jarrett's Father-In-Law, Tom Jarrett was a Communist that worked with Obama's "mentor" Frank Marshall Davis.
Corsi has found collaboration with members at the Trinity United church Obama attended for some twenty years. According to an article Dr. Corsi published at WND on Oct. 2nd:

“That’s the terminology. At Trinity, you’re urged to ‘get with the program,’” explained a male beneficiary of the Down Low Club. “What that means is it’s OK to go ahead and have sex with men, just as long as you ‘get with the program’ and marry a woman, somebody no straight guy would want to marry.”The wife, the Down Low Club member explained, is “your ‘beard,’ your cover – so you can look like you’re living a straight life, even though you’re not.”
The idea here being that Obama's homosexuality was kept under wraps so that he may continue with his political career, and Michelle Robinson, later to become Michelle Obama, was introduced to Barack for the sole purpose of helping his career, and hiding his homosexuality, on the "down-low".
Be sure to also read, " The Obama Timeline, can it all be a coincidence?

Much of the radio interview revolved around Corsi's recent findings concerning the ring Obama wears as his wedding band, that he wore as early as his college years on that same finger that has on it inscribed,
 "There is No God Except Allah" which is known in Islam as the "Shahada" part of the 5-pillars of Islam. That statement, "There is No God Except Allah", is all that is needed to be said with sincerity to declare oneself a Muslim.

"There is a lot of rings like this in Indonesia and throughout the Middle East, Corsi said. "Not unusual" he continued, "it's like people wearing a cross to indicate they are Christian or a Star of David to indicate that you are Jewish. It is common, well, wearing the Shahada is also common in the Far East."

Holding nothing back, the thirty minute segment also discussed Obama's false identity .

"He has a double identity, in Indonesia he was Barry Soetoro, from the sir name of his adopted father, was that a legal name? Was he legally adopted? It is certainly on his school records that Barry Soetoro was registered as a Muslim and an Indonesian citizen. Now why is that?" 

 Later in the interview Dr. Corsi speaks of the cover up of Obama's identity: " The mainstream media and the press have protected Obama up to now." And, "This is going to be one of the greatest deceptions in American history. It's going to be one of the greatest scams ever pulled on the American people".

Often those of us on the right that consider ourselves "conservatives" wonder how it is that so many of today's prominent conservative media figures that have loud voices in the media and in the culture say little to nothing regarding Obama's fake birth certificate and social security number, so it was good to hear host Lauren Holladay ask why they won't give Corsi's work "the time of day"? He responded:
"I am an Investigative Journalist, I don't make my living by making friends". "I don't like to abuse basic allies, these people have done a lot for the basic causes I care about and maybe they aren't perfect on every score"
At the close Corsi states, "My standard is the truth, and my Christian faith is such that, God will sort it out".
"I do what I am compelled to do, and that is to investigate and report the truth, and from there God will take care of it".
Well done Mr. Corsi, America needs more journalists like you that don't live and breath by what their sponsors think and are not beholding to any corporation. -

Monday, October 15, 2012

IQ scores by country (average)


The intelligence scores came from work carried out earlier this decade by Richard Lynn, a British psychologist, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish political scientist, who analysed IQ studies from 113 countries, and from subsequent work by Jelte Wicherts, a Dutch psychologist.

Countries are ranked highest to lowest national IQ score.

-------- Country
----------------------- %
1 Singapore 108
2 South Korea 106
3 Japan 105
4 Italy 102
5 Iceland 101
5 Mongolia 101
6 Switzerland 101
7 Austria 100
7 China 100
7 Luxembourg 100
7 Netherlands 100
7 Norway 100
7 United Kingdom 100
8 Belgium 99
8 Canada 99
8 Estonia 99
8 Finland 99
8 Germany 99
8 New Zealand 99
8 Poland 99
8 Sweden 99
9 Andorra 98
9 Australia 98
9 Czech Republic 98
9 Denmark 98
9 France 98
9 Hungary 98
9 Latvia 98
9 Spain 98
9 United States 98
10 Belarus 97
10 Malta 97
10 Russia 97
10 Ukraine 97
11 Moldova 96
11 Slovakia 96
11 Slovenia 96
11 Uruguay 96
12 Israel 95
12 Portugal 95
13 Armenia 94
13 Georgia 94
13 Kazakhstan 94
13 Romania 94
13 Vietnam 94
14 Argentina 93
14 Bulgaria 93
15 Greece 92
15 Ireland 92
15 Malaysia 92
16 Brunei 91
16 Cambodia 91
16 Cyprus 91
16 FYROM 91
16 Lithuania 91
16 Sierra Leone 91
16 Thailand 91
17 Albania 90
17 Bosnia and Herzegovina 90
17 Chile 90
17 Croatia 90
17 Kyrgyzstan 90
17 Turkey 90
18 Cook Islands 89
18 Costa Rica 89
18 Laos 89
18 Mauritius 89
18 Serbia 89
18 Suriname 89
19 Ecuador 88
19 Mexico 88
19 Samoa 88
20 Azerbaijan 87
20 Bolivia 87
20 Brazil 87
20 Guyana 87
20 Indonesia 87
20 Iraq 87
20 Myanmar (Burma) 87
20 Tajikistan 87
20 Turkmenistan 87
20 Uzbekistan 87
21 Kuwait 86
21 Philippines 86
21 Seychelles 86
21 Tonga 86
22 Cuba 85
22 Eritrea 85
22 Fiji 85
22 Kiribati 85
22 Peru 85
22 Trinidad and Tobago 85
22 Yemen 85
23 Afghanistan 84
23 Bahamas, The 84
23 Belize 84
23 Colombia 84
23 Iran 84
23 Jordan 84
23 Marshall Islands 84
23 Micronesia, Federated States of 84
23 Morocco 84
23 Nigeria 84
23 Pakistan 84
23 Panama 84
23 Paraguay 84
23 Saudi Arabia 84
23 Solomon Islands 84
23 Uganda 84
23 United Arab Emirates 84
23 Vanuatu 84
23 Venezuela 84
24 Algeria 83
24 Bahrain 83
24 Libya 83
24 Oman 83
24 Papua New Guinea 83
24 Syria 83
24 Tunisia 83
25 Bangladesh 82
25 Dominican Republic 82
25 India 82
25 Lebanon 82
25 Madagascar 82
25 Zimbabwe 82
26 Egypt 81
26 Honduras 81
26 Maldives 81
26 Nicaragua 81
27 Barbados 80
27 Bhutan 80
27 El Salvador 80
27 Kenya 80
28 Guatemala 79
28 Sri Lanka 79
28 Zambia 79
29 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 78
29 Nepal 78
29 Qatar 78
30 Comoros 77
30 South Africa 77
31 Cape Verde 76
31 Congo, Republic of the 76
31 Mauritania 76
31 Senegal 76
32 Mali 74
32 Namibia 74
33 Ghana 73
34 Tanzania 72
35 Central African Republic 71
35 Grenada 71
35 Jamaica 71
35 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 71
35 Sudan 71
36 Antigua and Barbuda 70
36 Benin 70
36 Botswana 70
36 Rwanda 70
36 Togo 70
37 Burundi 69
37 Cote d'Ivoire 69
37 Ethiopia 69
37 Malawi 69
37 Niger 69
38 Angola 68
38 Burkina Faso 68
38 Chad 68
38 Djibouti 68
38 Somalia 68
38 Swaziland 68
39 Dominica 67
39 Guinea 67
39 Guinea-Bissau 67
39 Haiti 67
39 Lesotho 67
39 Liberia 67
39 Saint Kitts and Nevis 67
39 Sao Tome and Principe 67
40 Gambia, The 66
41 Cameroon 64
41 Gabon 64
41 Mozambique 64
42 Saint Lucia 62
43 Equatorial Guinea 59
North Korea N/A

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Black People Enslaved White People

Originally posted at - https://violenceagainstwhites.wordpress.com/white-slaves/
Sick of liberals trying to make you feel guilty about slavery? All you need to do is remind them of a few historical points:
  1. All races kept slaves all throughout history.
  2. Most of the American slaveships and American slave-markets were run by Jews. But no one blames modern Jews. Because if anyone today says anything was “run by Jews”, they’re immediately dismissed as a crazy anti-Semite, regardless of whether or not it’s true.
  3. When the Trans-Atlantic slaveships docked at African slave-markets to buy slaves, they bought slaves who were already slaves. It was Arab Muslims and Black Africans themselves who captured members of rival tribes and took them to the coastal slave-markets to sell to the Whites and Jews. White people didn’t go into Africa and kidnap free black people. They barely needed to get off their ships to buy slaves, it was like buying McDonalds at a drive-through. The slaves were already at the slave-market in chains, ready to go.
  4. In the 16th – 18th century, Africans enslaved 1.5 million White Europeans in the Barbary Slave Trade. African Muslims raided up the coastlines of Europe, particularly the British Isles but even as far as Iceland, kidnapping and enslaving White European Christians. The men were galley slaves, and the women were sex slaves. This was more brutal than working on a plantation or as a domestic servant.
  5. Native Americans and Jews owned Black slaves too, but no one seems to assign a collective guilt to modern Native Americans and Jews for their slavery. In fact, Jews were the biggest slave-owners in America per capita.
  6. Whites were the first people to stop slavery in modern times, whereas slavery still continues in Africa to this day. In Mauritania slavery was only made a punishable offense in 2007!
  7. Less than 2% of Whites in America ever owned slaves
  8. Only 5% of the black slaves transported across the Atlantic actually went to the modern U.S. Most in fact went to Latin America to serve Hispanic slave-owners. But we don’t look at modern Hispanics as evil slave-owners.
White people were responsible for slavery in the same way that someone who smoked Pall Mall cigarettes for a few years is responsible for the entire tobacco industry. Yes the Pall Mall smoker bought Pall Mall cigarettes from a shop at the end of the process, but they didn’t grow all the tobacco, harvest it, roll the cigarettes and distribute them to the shops.




Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Unraveling of Obama’s Foreign Policy

The Unraveling of Obama’s Foreign Policy

The Unraveling of Obama’s Foreign Policy


By Patrick J. Buchanan
Three days after Ambassador Chris Stevens was assassinated, Jay Carney told the White House press corps it had been the work of a flash mob inflamed by an insulting video about the Prophet Muhammad.
As the killers had arrived with rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons, this story seemed noncredible on its face.
Yet two days later, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice doubled down. Appearing on five Sunday talk shows, she called the massacre the result of a “spontaneous” riot that was neither “preplanned” nor “premeditated.”
Carney and Rice deceived us. But were they deceived?
It is impossible to believe that Carney would characterize the Benghazi, Libya, massacre as the result of a protest that careened out of control unless he had been told to do so by the national security adviser, the White House chief of staff or President Barack Obama himself.
Who told Carney to say what he did? Who arranged for Rice to appear on five shows to push this line?
Throwing a rope to Rice and Carney, the director of national intelligence, James Clapper, said last week that only recently had his team concluded that Benghazi was the work of terrorists.
Yet intelligence insiders were leaking to the press the day after Stevens was murdered that it was terrorism.
Now that the cover story — that the murder of Stevens and the other Americans was the result of a spontaneous outburst the Obama administration could not have foreseen or prevented — has collapsed, the truth is tumbling out.
And the truth is more alarming. For it calls into question the credibility and competence of Obama’s security team and the judgment of the president himself.
What do we now know?
Stevens believed he was on an al-Qaida hit list and so wrote in his diary. He was concerned about a rise in Islamic extremism in the city. “Days before the ambassador arrived from the embassy in Tripoli,” The Washington Post reported Sunday, “Westerners had fled the city, and the British had closed their consulate.”
Rice insisted that the act of barbarism arose out of a protest, but there may not even have been a protest, just a military assault with RPGs, machine guns and mortars that hit a safe house a mile from the consulate, killing two former Navy SEALs, while other U.S. agents fled to the airport.
So dangerous is Benghazi, The New York Times reported Friday, FBI agents investigating the ambassador’s assassination have yet to venture into the city.
Was U.S. intelligence oblivious to how dangerous Benghazi was when Stevens went in? Was not Benghazi’s reputation as a haven for Islamic jihadi known to us all before we “liberated” Libya?
This is the city U.S. air power saved when Moammar Gadhafi’s forces were closing in. It now appears to be an al-Qaidaville where U.S. diplomats and agents dare not tread.
Late last week, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton conceded that the Benghazi murders were acts of terror perpetrated by extremists associated with al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb. She alluded to Mali, where an al-Qaida affiliate, the Ansar Dine, has taken over half the country.
How grave is that threat?
On Thursday, The Associated Press reported that Gen. Carter Ham, head of the U.S. Africa command, met with Mauretania’s president to discuss “a possible military intervention … in north Mali against al-Qaida-linked group members and their allies.”
Yet Vice President Joe Biden still campaigns through the Rust Belt bellowing, “General Motors is alive, and Osama bin Laden is dead,” and Obama still recites his mantra, “al-Qaida is on the path to defeat.”
The reality. Al-Qaida affiliates have taken over a region of Mali the size of France. Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb may have been in on the Benghazi massacre. Al-Qaida is in Syria fighting for a cause, the overthrow of Bashar Assad, Obama supports. Al-Qaida has helped reignite sectarian war in Iraq. Al-Qaida remains in Pakistan. Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula is in Yemen.
We failed to cut out or kill the cancer at Tora Bora in 2001, and it has since metastasized and spread across North Africa, the Middle East and South Asia.
As for the Arab Spring Obama embraced, that has given us the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo and jihadi in Sinai. Our departure from Iraq paved the way to a new sectarian war. The surge troops are out of Afghanistan, and the remaining U.S. troops no longer partner with the Afghan soldiers who are to take over the war.
Any doubt about the outcome there when we’re gone?
Within the past month, anti-American riots, flag burnings and the raising of Islamist banners atop U.S. embassy facilities have occurred in too many countries and capitals to recite.
If this is the fruit of a successful engagement with the Islamic world, what would a debacle look like? Rep. Paul Ryan said Sunday, “The Obama foreign policy is unraveling literally before our eyes on our TV screens.”
Is he wrong?

Immigration: One Law for Jewish Supremacists, Another for Gentiles

The following article was written by Dr.David Duke andoriginally  posted on www.davidduke.com   

Immigration: One Law for Jewish Supremacists, Another for Gentiles

Jewish Supremacist groups such as the ADL, SPLC and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society have been at the forefront of encouraging, promoting and protecting mass immigration into America and Europe—but in Israel, even the tiniest number of non-Jewish immigrants are regarded as a “demographic threat.”
The latest hypocritical outburst from the Jewish Supremacists has come with the news that a group of African asylum seekers have quite literally become trapped between the Israeli and Egyptian border fences after the Zionists refused them entry into the Jewish state.
The Africans have been left in the outside, exposed to the sun, and the Israeli Defense Force has refused to let anyone wanting to bring them food or water near the area.
According to a news report, Israel has “ruled out entry” for “20 Africans who have camped on its desert border with Egypt for almost a week, part of a crackdown on migrants who walk across the frontier.
“About 60,000 Africans have come into Israel through the Egyptian Sinai in recent years. Israel says the vast majority are illegal job seekers, disputing arguments by humanitarian agencies that they should be considered for asylum,” the report said.
Yet in America, the Jewish Supremacist SPLC and ADL are always the first to fund and fight legal cases against states which try to implement even the most weak of immigration controls such as merely asking for papers (in Arizona and elsewhere).
The report on the African asylum-seekers in Israel pointed out that “Israeli ministers say the influx of African migrants is a threat to public order and could change the demographic character of the Jewish state of 7.8 million.”
Referring to the Africans camped out in the desert between the border fences, Israeli interior minister Eli Yishai was quoted as saying “This group must not enter. We are acting in accordance with the law. They came here knowing they would not get in.
“It is very difficult to see this, but if we let them in others will follow. The fence is there to protect the borders of the state of Israel,” he said.
The fence along the 260 km (160 mile)-long frontier with the Egyptian Sinai, which is still being built and is due to completed by the end of the year, is among measures introduced by Israel to bar African migrants.
Once again, it is one law for Jewish Supremacists, and another law for the Gentiles. Jewish Supremacists are always “justified” and “acting according to the law” to protect their own identity, but any Gentile nation wishing to do the same is immediately attacked by those same Jewish Supremacists as “racist.”

Jewish double standard...again

The Following article was originally posted by Dr. David Duke at www.davidduke.com

‘Jews Must Remain Pure,’ Says Leading Jewish Supremacist in Canada

Jews face a danger of vanishing unless they resist assimilation into non-Jewish populations, a leading Zionist Supremacist in Canada has announced—yet any attempt by other ethnic groups to maintain their biological identity is virulently attacked by the Jewish lobby.
Writing in an article published by the Jerusalem Post, Richard Marceau, a lawyer for Canada’s Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs and a former Member of Parliament from 1997 to 2006, said that “the Jewish people is facing three major challenges, both in the Diaspora and in Israel. They are the three A’s: anti-Semitism, assimilation and threat of annihilation.
“They only way to overcome these challenges is by coming together. This is nothing new,” Marcheau wrote.
“What does being anti-Zionist mean? It means denying the right of self-determination to the Jewish people, a right recognized for every other nation on the planet,” he continued.
Yet that is the point: any attempt by Europeans, or any other nation, to exert their right to self-determination and the maintenance of their identity, is immediately attacked, denigrated and slandered by those same Jews such as Marceau.
In America, the Jewish Supremacist ADL, SPLC and other Yiddish organizations have full time departments devoted to attacking any individual, organization or leader who dares to stand up for their own communities, be it Dr. David Duke or Rev. Louis Farrakhan.
As Marceau said, it is “nothing new”—it is the old double standard where Jews are allowed to promote their own identity, nationality and even a Jews-only country (and demand that Americans pay for it), yet no-one else, of any race or ethnicity, is allowed that same right.
It is also a form of hatred: It expresses the desire to obliterate an entire country, to want to see the State of Israel cease to exist, to disappear.
Marceau went on to discuss the issue of assimilation by Jews in western nations: “Intermarriage rates – a good indication of acculturation and a certain distance from one’s Jewish identity – are high and rising: more than 50% in the United States, more than 40% in France and the UK, around 35% in Canada.
“If nothing is done, ultimately, we may well be witnessing the death of the Diaspora, where only a small core of Orthodox Jews will remain. The recent numbers published by the New York Jewish Federation might very well be giving us a preview of this phenomenon.
“Forty-one percent of the world’s Jews now live in Israel; in a quarter of century, it will be more than half, mainly because of assimilation in the Diaspora.”