Sunday, July 31, 2011

Albanian Muslims burn remaining Food and Medicine to deny Serb Christians in north of Kosovo

Kosovo Serbs 'facing food, medicine shortages'
BELGRADE — A embargo imposed by authorities in Pristina has led to severe shortages of food and medicine among ethnic Serbs living in northern Kosovo, media reports said on Sunday.
Suppliers from Serbia have been unable to deliver bread and milk to the towns of Lesak, Leposavic and northern Mitrovica, the Belgrade-based Beta news agency reported.
Shops in the towns were also on the verge of selling out of meat and sugar products and customers have been stockpiling flour and yeast, the report said.
Supplies of bottled water were runnng low while doctors at the main health centre in the major town of Mitrovica expressed worries over medicine shortages, the report said.
Long queues could also be seen at petrol stations throughout northern Kosovo.
The report of the shortages comes after the mainly ethnic Albanian government in Pristina decided earlier this month to ban all imports from Serbia.
The Pristina government even sent in its own police to seize control of two border crossings last week where they thought the local ethnic Serb officers were turning a blind eye to imports.
That move sparked riots and eventually led to NATO peacekeepers taking control of the border crossings which have been effectively closed since Thursday.
Belgrade and the Kosovo's ethnic Serb minority have never recognised the government in Pristina, which unilaterally declared independence in 2008.
Serbia's parliament held an extraordinary session on Saturdaay, calling for a peaceful solution to be found through a dialogue, but warning on a danger of a fresh conflict.
Serbia banned imports from Kosovo immediately after the independence declaration and Pristina's decision to retaliate caught many by surprise.
More than 90 percent of Kosovo's imported food comes from Serbia, one of its main suppliers with goods totalling 260 million euros ($370 million) a year.

'Israeli agents filmed 9/11 destruction'

A political analyst says the US should launch an investigation into the 9/11 attacks to find out more about the Israeli role.
Press TV discusses the anniversary of 9/11 with Mark Glenn, author and political commentator from Idaho on US and Israeli foreknowledge of the event and how it was used to start a war against the Muslim world. Following is a transcript of the interview.

Press TV: Tell us about this specific ceremony. Two presidents, current and former, will be attending. What is your perception of this?

Mark Glenn: Well, we have to keep in mind as with all things involving American politics particularly today that this will be another staged production as anything coming out of Hollywood.

If Presidents Obama and Bush truly want to do honor to the victims of 9/11 they should open up an honest and independent investigation of exactly what took place that day and to bring into the picture some very embarrassing details such as foreknowledge by certain Middle Eastern governments about the intending attacks that day - governments that are supposed to be allies of the US, but governments who refused to warn us.

I'm talking specifically about the state of Israel and the fact that she had enough foreknowledge of these attacks that she had at least half a dozen intelligence officers stationed across the river in the state park of New Jersey and who were witnessed filming the destruction that was taking place that day and cheering.

In fact the only arrests that took place on 9/11 were these five Israeli intelligence officers.

So if President Obama and former President Bush truly wish to do honor to those who lost their lives that day I think there needs to be a new chapter that is opened up into the 9/11 investigator including at least Israel's foreknowledge of the events of that day.

Press TV: There are still a lot of myths and mysteries surrounding the events of 9/11. A wide range of people even in the US believe that 9/11 was an inside job and had some sort of inside cooperation at least in order to have an attack of that scope happen. What more can you tell us about those hypotheses?

Mark Glenn: This is not something we would consider a fringe theory. We had the former president of Italy who came out and stated clearly that he believed that it was an inside job and involved certain high level elements and of course with Israel's Mossad.

Of course we also had your honorable President Ahmadinejad address the UN General Assembly in September where he broached the unmentionable topic, which is the possible foreknowledge of the attacks that day on the part of the US and of Israel and the fact that nothing was done to prevent this.

So it's not a fringe theory anymore; it is not the stuff of tabloid newspapers in checkout lanes anymore. My personal theory is that every intelligence agency of every government in the world knows that the US colluded with each other in order to bring these things about although these intelligence services and these executive officers, maybe the presidents of their prime ministers or even their kings for that matter; even though may not come out and publicly state this I think that it is obvious to them that the US is involved in these wars for Israel's benefit.

It is something that's going to slowly but surely receive more and more of the light of day and unfortunately the American people are probably going to be the last to know about it because we really do live in a closed society as much as we like to brag to the rest of the world that we are the beacon of freedom and democracy. That fact of the matter is that America is a closed society because of the fact that we have total lockdown of information.

The American people have virtually no information as to how the government works or more importantly, foreign policy. If you ask them why are we in Iraq, they'll say because of 9/11. And when you say that Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11, they'll blink and mutter some little sound to say isn't that slightly interesting and then they'll just go on about their lives despite the fact that we have lost upwards of 5,000 of our young men and women fighting this war, which had nothing to do the events of 9/11.

Press TV: Let's talk about the ripple effects of 9/11 in the bigger picture. How much has the US changed since 9/11. The repercussions that 9/11 has had on society; its effect on multiculturalism not only in the US, but also in European countries as well. Many pin the rise of Islamophobia to the events of 9/11.

Mark Glenn: Absolutely. The US is now a different country. I would say that Europe is a different continent as well; a different society where, as you pointed out, Islamophobia is the order of the day. We have Muslims being attacked everyday in the US for nothing other than for the crime of being Islamic.

Of course, we saw the tragic events that took place in Norway recently where, purely out of the hatred of Muslims, which is a by-product of the concerted effort of these pro-Israel groups to foster this hatred between the West and Islam, a man goes on a rampage and kills close to a hundred innocent children.

There has been a great shift in the cultures and the societies of the US and throughout Europe and not accidently. It is exactly what these pro-Israel groups and Israel herself has wanted all along is to see this clash of civilizations take place between the Western Christian world where the preponderance of military and economic power lies and of course you have to have great military and economic power in order to wage a war against a billion and a half people, which is exactly what this is all about, it is a war against Islam it is not a war against terrorism.


Prime Minister David Cameron, in a speech attended by world leaders, on Saturday criticized his country’s longstanding policy of multiculturalism, saying it was an outright failure and partly to blame for fostering Islamist extremism.
He said the U.K. needs a stronger national identity to prevent people turning to extremism.extremism.
"I“Under the doctrine of state multiculturalism, we have encouraged different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and the mainstream,” Cameron said during a panel discussion attended by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “We have failed to provide a vision of society to which they feel they want to belong.”
He said the “hands-off tolerance” in Britain and other European nations has encouraged Muslims and other immigrant groups “to live separate lives, apart from each other and the mainstream.”
Muslim groups in the U.K. quickly condemned the remarks. Among them was the Muslim Council of Britain, which receives government money for projects intended to combat extremism. The council said that the Muslim community was still beingtreated "as part of the problem as opposed to part of the solution."
Many also criticized the timing of the speech, which took place on the day that members of the far-right English Defence League (EDL) held a rally in the ethnically mixed city of Luton to protest the spread of Islam in Britain.
Cameron did not mention the EDL, but a lawmaker for the opposition Labour Party, Sadiq Khan, accused him of "writing propaganda for the EDL," AFP reported.
Cameron’s remarks echoed statements made last year by Merkel last year, when she also called multiculturalism a failure.



WASHINGTON -- Now the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, has joined the chorus. The other day he said, "My answer is clearly yes, it is a failure."  The "it" was multiculturalism, and he was on French national television. In pronouncing multiculturalism defunct, the French president joins German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Australia's ex-prime minister John Howard, Spain's ex-premier Jose Maria Aznar, and, most recently, British Prime Minister David Cameron in heaving a failed policy into history's dustbin. The question is, what will replace it? Or actually another question: how did multiculturalism ever become a policy of these European countries anyway?
"If you come to France, you accept to melt into a single community, which is the national community, and if you do not want to accept that, you cannot be welcome in France," explained Sarkozy. "Of course," he explained, "we must all respect differences, but we do not want…a society where communities coexist side by side." Actually they have not existed side by side in recent years. Certain cultures were deferred to by the Europeans, namely Islam. Others were not. If your culture entertained cannibalism, you could not sit down to a nice leg of neighbor. Yet if your culture was Muslim, and you wanted to arrange a marriage for your daughter, authorities looked the other way. If you were the village atheist, you could not say God is a monstrosity and Allah is an impossibility. That would be a "hate crime," and you would be in hot water. On the other hand, you could say "Allah akbar," and no one was offended other than the village atheist.
Now the European leaders are giving this sort of tolerance of intolerance a second look. Prime Minister Cameron has called for a "more active, more muscular liberalism," one that requires the active promotion of democratic values, the rule of law, freedom of speech, and equal rights. In a recent speech in Munich he argued that, "under the doctrine of state multiculturalism, we have encouraged different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and the mainstream." The result is alienation and occasionally jihadism.
So how did the Europeans end up with multiculturalism, a multiculturalism that seems to favor Islam over other cultures? The Germans have outlawed Nazi culture. The Italians are not particularly hospitable to fascism, and as I have already pointed out the French are appalled at cannibalism and do not even have a good word for McDonald's  or Kentucky Fried Chicken. I think it started with the way they teach their history. Militarism, colonialism, and racism are all prominent ingredients of European history books, particularly British history. For that matter, American history stresses these ingredients also. I have been reading American college history texts and they present an alarmingly ugly view of the Western past.
By presenting the West as repugnant and the other civilizations as our prey, particularly during colonial days but also in modern times, we encourage such social pathologies as jihadism. President Sarkozy says he is not going to tolerate the kind of fundamentalism in France that leads ultimately to jihadism. How is he going to achieve this without calling for a fundamental reform in how French history is taught?
Then there is another matter. All the aforementioned statesmen and women are democrats and espouse democratic values, but there are fashions of thought in the West that do not like democratic values. For want of a better term, they are fashions of thought that follow political correctness. The politically correct do not like free speech. For that matter, the adherents to political correctness do not like many of the values of the West. What are Mr. Sarkozy and Mr. Cameron going to do about them? They are going to be even trickier to deal with than the practitioners of jihad. 


German Chancellor and head of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party Angela Merkel speaks at the congress of the youth wing of the CDU, Junge Union, in Potsdam, October 16, 2010. REUTERS/Thomas Peter

(Reuters) - Germany's attempt to create a multicultural society has "utterly failed," Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Saturday, adding fuel to a debate over immigration and Islam polarizing her conservative camp

Speaking to a meeting of young members of her Christian Democrats (CDU), Merkel said allowing people of different cultural backgrounds to live side by side without integrating had not worked in a country that is home to some four million Muslims.
"This (multicultural) approach has failed, utterly failed," Merkel told the meeting in Potsdam, south of Berlin.
Merkel faces pressure from within her CDU to take a tougher line on immigrants who don't show a willingness to adapt to German society and her comments appeared intended to pacify her critics.
She said too little had been required of immigrants in the past and repeated her usual line that they should learn German in order to get by in school and have opportunities on the labor market.
The debate over foreigners in Germany has shifted since former central banker Thilo Sarrazin published a book accusing Muslim immigrants of lowering the intelligence of German society.
Sarrazin was censured for his views and dismissed from the Bundesbank, but his book proved highly popular and polls showed a majority of Germans agreed with the thrust of his arguments.
Merkel has tried to accommodate both sides of the debate, talking tough on integration but also telling Germans that they must accept that mosques have become part of their landscape.
She said on Saturday that the education of unemployed Germans should take priority over recruiting workers from abroad, while noting Germany could not get by without skilled foreign workers.
In a weekend newspaper interivew, her Labor Minister Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) raised the possibility of lowering barriers to entry for some foreign workers in order to fight the lack of skilled workers in Europe's largest economy.
"For a few years, more people have been leaving our country than entering it," she told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. "Wherever it is possible, we must lower the entry hurdles for those who bring the country forward."

The German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) says Germany lacks about 400,000 skilled workers.
Yet Horst Seehofer, chairman of the Christian Social Union (CSU), the CDU's sister party, has rejected any relaxation of immigration laws and said last week there was no room in Germany for more people from "alien cultures."
(Writing by Sarah Marsh; editing by Noah Barkin)


Multiculturalism has failed: Verhagen

Christian Democrat leader Maxime Verhagen on Monday said the multicultural society has failed. He was speaking during the recording of tv show Nova College Tour, reports the Algemeen Dagblad.
Verhagen told the programme the Dutch no longer feel at home in their own country and immigrants are not entirely happy here either.
The minister wants the Dutch to be prouder of their country like people in the US where they first say they are American and then where they originally come from, says the paper.
He follows his European colleagues in declaring multiculturalism a failure. German chancellor Angela Merkel, British prime minister David Cameron and French president Nicolas Sarkozy have all said the same, the paper states.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Despite the insane heat and drought here in East Texas, its time to think about Fall Gardening

The following are optimal "windows of time" for planting fall vegetables:
Beans - 8/1 - 9/1 (lima beans 7/15 - 8/15)Muskmelon (Cantaloupe) - 7/15 - 8/1
Beets - 9/1 - 10/15Mustard - 9/15 - 10/15
Broccoli plants - 8/1 - 9/15Parsley - 8/15 - 10/1
Brussels sprouts - 8/1 - 10/1Peas, English - 8/15 - 9/15
Cabbage plants - 8/15 - 9/15Peas, Southern - 7/1 - 8/1
Carrots - 8/15 - 10/15Pepper plants - 7/1 - 8/1
Cauliflower plants - 8/15 - 9/15Potatoes, Irish - 8/15 - 9/15
Chard, Swiss - 8/1 - 10/15Pumpkin - 7/1 - 8/1
Collard/Kale - 8/15 - 10/1Radish - 9/15 - 10/15
Corn, Sweet - 8/1 - 8/15Spinach - 9/1 - 10/15
Cucumber - 8/1 - 9/1Squash, Summer - 7/15 - 8/15
Eggplant plants - 7/15 - 8/1Squash, Winter - 7/1 - 7/15
Garlic - 9/1 - 10/15Tomato plants - 7/15 - 8/1
Kohlrabi - 8/15 - 9/15Turnips - 10/1 - 11/1
Lettuce (leaf) - 9/15 - 10/15Watermelon - 7/1 - 8/1

The above Table is a good  guide as to when to plant seeds. Because of the high heat and dryness, I have had better luck in years past starting the seeds in small containers indoors or atleast in the shade and then transplanting them a  bit later in the season. Planting into containers as opposed to in the ground is also an option to condsider too. When  the frosts  fianllly get here, you can move them indoor or under cover and then put them  back aout after the cold snap. Using this method you can extend your growing season well into the cooler months. A couple of other added perks to container  gardening is that you can move  your plants to where they get the most Winter sun and you dont have spend time bent over  weeding . I actually enjoy Fall gardening a more than Spring / Summer mainly because it's just too hot.. for me and the plants. I will try to add some photos along the way. Have fun.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

UPDATE-Supreme Court denies stay of execution for Mexican national in Texas -ROT IN HELL

Officers reported that she was nude and lying on her back and that a bloody and broken stick protruded from her vagina, prosecutors said.

An autopsy showed that she died from blows to the head from a 30 to 40 pound chunk of asphalt found lying partially on her arm with which she had to have been struck several times.
The Supreme Court has denied a stay of execution for a Mexican national and convicted killer, despite opposition from the Obama administration and the Mexican government.
Humberto Leal Garcia Jr.'s likely last hope is with Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who is still considering whether to grant a 30-day reprieve. Leal's lethal injection is set for 7 p.m. ET Thursday at the Texas State Penitentiary's death chamber in Huntsville.
Texas authorities said they gave Leal his last meal Thursday afternoon as hours dwindled before his scheduled execution.
Perry was expected to decide Thursday whether to grant clemency or any delay in the execution of Leal, whose case has become the center of an international legal and diplomatic dispute.
The Obama administration and international leaders have asked for a reprieve on behalf of the inmate.

What makes Leal's conviction unusual is that he was not informed about his right to contact the Mexican consulate upon his arrest -- a right guaranteed under a binding international treaty. Leal's appellate lawyers argue such access could at the very least have kept Leal off death row.
Supporters of the Monterrey, Mexico, native say his fate could have an impact on Americans traveling abroad who run into legal trouble.
The state's Board of Pardons and Parole ruled that Leal did not deserve to have his death sentence commuted to life in prison without parole. Perry normally accepts the board's ruling when making his own decision, but he could grant a 30-day reprieve.
As of 5 p.m. ET, Leal had received his last meal of fried chicken, pico de gallo, tacos, two cokes and a bowl of fried okra. He was in a holding cell outside the death chamber, according to Texas Department of Criminal Justice spokesman Jason Clark.
Leal, 38, was convicted of raping Adria Sauceda, a 16-year-old girl in San Antonio, and then fatally strangling and bludgeoning her with a 35-pound piece of asphalt in 1994.
The justices split 5-4 along conservative-liberal lines. In an unsigned opinion by the majority, the court refused to delay the execution until Congress could pass pending legislation giving federal courts the authority to hear similar claims from foreign inmates.
"We decline to follow the United States' suggestion of granting a stay to allow Leal to bring a claim based on hypothetical legislation when it cannot even bring itself to say that his attempt to overturn his conviction has any prospect of success," said the majority.
In dissent, four justices led by Stephen Breyer urged a delay in moving ahead with Leal's execution. "It is difficult to see how the State's interest in the immediate execution of an individual convicted of capital murder 16 years ago can outweigh the considerations that support additional delay, perhaps only until the end of the summer," said Breyer, who was supported by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan.
The victim's mother, Rachel Terry, has urged the execution go forward as scheduled.
"A technicality doesn't give anyone a right to come to this country and rape, torture and murder anyone, in this case my daughter," she told CNN affiliate KSAT in San Antonio. Terry described her daughter as "a beautiful, bright, vibrant young woman, full of hope and aspirations."
"It's been difficult for myself and her family members," she added. "She certainly was taken away from us at a very young age. We just want closure."
Leal's lawyers argue the consulate access violation was more than a technicality. Sandra Babcock, lead appellate attorney, told CNN that Mexican officials would have ensured Leal had the most competent trial defense possible, if they had been able to speak with him right after his felony arrest.
"I think in most of these cases it was not a deliberate thing. Local police lack training" on the Vienna Convention, Babcock said.
Leal's backers say he has learning disabilities and brain damage, and suffered from sexual abuse at the hands of his parish priest, and that consul officials would have assisted in such a defense. They say those factors should have been considered at the sentencing phase of the trial.
Leal claimed he did not learn of his consular access right until two years after his capital conviction. He said he learned of the right not from any official, but from a fellow prisoner.
Eventually, between 2010 and 2011, Leal was visited by a representative of the Mexican government more than 10 times, said Judy Garces, press relations spokeswoman with the Mexican Consulate in San Antonio.
The state argued that Leal -- who has lived in the United States since age 2 -- never revealed his Mexican citizenship at the time of arrest, and his defense team never raised the consular access issue at or before trial.
Prosecutors also say the evidence against him was indisputable. The victim was tortured, and a bite mark on her body was matched to Leal. A bloody shirt belonging to Sauceda was discovered at the suspect's home.
The two had attended a party separately earlier that evening. The girl's nude body was found on a dirt road.
Leal is one of 40 Mexican citizens in a similar situation awaiting lethal injection in U.S. prisons.
The issue turns on what role each branch of government plays in giving force to international treaty obligations.
Three years ago, the Supreme Court justices concluded Texas could execute another Mexican man sentenced to death for murder. Jose Medellin was given a lethal injection by the state a few months later.
The question then and now is whether the state has to give in to a demand by the president that the prisoner be allowed new hearings and sentencing. In the 2008 case, President George W. Bush made that demand reluctantly after an international court concluded Medellin was improperly denied access to his consulate before his original prosecution, a violation of the treaty signed by the United States decades ago.
The Mexican government filed a supporting appeal with the high court in Washington this past week, asking the justices to block Leal's execution, citing Bush's previous executive action.
On Friday, the Obama administration asked Texas to delay the execution.
"This case implicates United States foreign policy interests of the highest order," including protecting U.S. citizens abroad and promoting good relations with other countries, new Solicitor General Donald Verrilli Jr. said.
It is rare for the federal government to intervene in cases dealing with state executions.
Congress has also stepped in. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, introduced a bill in June to formally grant federal courts the power to review these kinds of appeals.
Perry's office countered that a federal appeals court has already given Leal the judicial scrutiny the Obama administration and the United Nations seek, ultimately rejecting his claims.
"If you commit the most heinous of crimes in Texas, you can expect to face the ultimate penalty under our laws," Katherine Cesinger, spokeswoman for the governor, told CNN.
"Congress has had the opportunity to consider and pass legislation for the federal courts' review of such cases since 2008, and has not done so each time a bill was filed."
Ted Cruz, the state's former solicitor general who argued the 2008 Supreme Court case for Texas, said Leal has waited too long to raise these issues.
"The question is not should a foreign national have the right to contact their consulate," Cruz told CNN. "The question is, years later, after they have been tried, after they have been convicted, after it has been clear like Humberto Leal that they are a vicious child rapist and murderer, should you come in and set aside that conviction. You can't come back years later and try and set aside your trial with some additional claim you wish you had raised."
Cruz is now running for the U.S. Senate as a Republican candidate.
Witnesses to Leal's execution were to include three of his friends, his sister and his attorney, Clark said. No family members of the victim were scheduled to attend, he said. Two former prosecutors who tried the case were also scheduled to be witnesses.
The Supreme Court appeal is Leal v. Texas (11-5001)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Officers reported that she was nude and lying on her back and that a bloody and broken stick protruded from her vagina.

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Texas Parole Board Won’t Stop Mexican National’s Execution

AUSTIN (July 5, 2011)--The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles refused Tuesday to stop the execution of Mexican national Humberto Leal, 38, who’s scheduled to die Thursday for raping and killing a 16-year-old San Antonio girl.
The panel voted 4-1 Tuesday to deny a reprieve.
Click here to find out more!
The same board refused by a 5-0 vote to commute Leal's death sentence to life in prison.
Leal still has appeals pending with the U.S. Supreme Court.
His lawyers argue that he should have had the opportunity to get legal help from the Mexican government after he was arrested for the girl's murder.
Leal came to the United States when he was about
18 months old.
Earlier Tuesday, state lawyers told the Supreme Court that Leal’s appeals are without merit and intended only to delay the punishment.
Mexico, the U.S. State Department and the White House, however, agree that Leal should be spared because of questions about whether the outcome of his trial would have been different if he had been allowed to obtain legal help from the Mexican consulate.
Last week, the Obama administration took the unusual step of asking the Supreme Court to delay the execution for as long as six months to give Congress time to consider legislation that would directly affect Leal's case.
Legislation pending in the U.S. Senate would allow federal courts to review cases of condemned foreign nationals.
U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia refused to stop the execution and ruled that Leal’s appeal had no merit.
He said the congressional measure is only a proposal that's already failed twice.
On June 27 the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals denied Leal’s appeal and motion for a stay of execution and last Thursday the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals also rejected an appeal and request for a stay.
Leal’s attorney filed a petition Friday for review with the U.S. Supreme Court and also filed a motion for a stay.
Leal was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to die nearly 16 years ago for the brutal abduction, rape, beating and strangulation of the San Antonio teenager.
The victim was at a party that Leal also attended on May 20, 1994.
At some point the teenager, who was intoxicated, but conscious was placed in Leal’s car and Leal drove off.
A half hour later, Leal’s brother showed up at the party and shouted that Leal had arrived home with blood on him, saying he had killed a girl, prosecutors said.
Some of the people at the party went to look for Sauceda and they found her nude body on a dirty road.
Officers reported that she was nude and lying on her back and that a bloody and broken stick protruded from her vagina, prosecutors said.
An autopsy showed that she died from blows to the head from a 30 to 40 pound chunk of asphalt found lying partially on her arm with which she had to have been struck several times.
She was also strangled and had bite marks on her body that prosecutors say matched Leal’s teeth.